

Our brand always prioritizes the environment. Currently, we are running a project where we plant one tree for every pair of socks purchased. Additionally, we offer socks made from organic cotton to encourage our customers to pay more attention to environmental protection.
Cloud Project

Support our planet by buying our environmentally friendly products, like our Cloud socks and masks! With your backing, we are committed to maintaining the cleanliness of the Earth we inhabit. Our Cloud Project ensures this with your assistance! New Jersey residents can join in! Let's save the Earth with our Cloud Project!

Our Solution

Our Mission: The New Jersey Tree Foundation is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to planting trees in New Jersey’s most underserved neighborhoods, where the need is greatest. Through tree planting, volunteerism, and partnerships, we assist communities in improving their environment & quality of life.

Learn More


Trees planted since inception


Tree Survival rate for community based tree plantings


Paralees trained through green streets


Volunteer hours in fy 21-22